Company of heroes 2 factions playing style
Company of heroes 2 factions playing style

If you don't know it's there and what it's for, because it's your first time playing, then you can't play Horatio the way they are meant to be played. Such as the population screen for gene splicing Horatio. They are also the most straight forward factions to play, requiring the least number of "additional" gameplay mechanics to be played competently. Plus each one specializes in the more familiar aspects of traditional 4X games with the Sophons specializing in Science, the Lumeris in Economy, and the United Empire in Production/Influence. With the one notable exception of the Lumeris buying their colonies rather than needing colony ships. Their play styles are the closest to traditional factions play styles in other games. The Vodyani was close to being in that list for being hardest to learn with, but they're just barely easy enough to figure out and play competently to not deserve that designation.īut if you have played many or even some 4X games like Civilization before, then I would say either the Sophons, United Empire, or the Lumeris would be the best factions to play for your first games. I think those two factions are probably the most punishing factions to learn to play when you're new to the game, due to the riftborn requiring you to know that you need to build their pops yourself. Except for maybe the Riftborn and the Hissho. If you've never played 4X games before, then sure, your learning curve with one faction should be the same as any other. I wouldn't consider any of those the best starters due to how unique their play styles are.

company of heroes 2 factions playing style

And while I do have my favorite factions like the Vodyani, Riftborn and Vaulters. They're all just very unique, which I think is this game's greatest strength.

company of heroes 2 factions playing style company of heroes 2 factions playing style

There is no best faction in this game, just like there's no worst faction.

Company of heroes 2 factions playing style